2012 PAESTA Conference

Linking Earth and Space Science Instruction to Career Opportunities

In celebration with Earth Science Week

Friday and Saturday, October 12 - 13, 2012

Penn State Brandywine, Media, PA (Directions)
All events and sessions are taking place in the Tomezsko Classroom Building (Campus Map)

Hotels near the Brandywine Campus

  • Best Western
  • Hampton Inn
  • Staybridge Suites

Register for the conference.  Registration deadline is September 21, 2012

Submit a proposal to present. The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2012.

Nominations for the PAESTA Award for Teaching Excellence. The deadline for submissions is September 21, 2012.


See the full Schedule 

Friday, October 12  
6:00PM - 8:00PM Screening of Switch: To A Smarter Energy Future, Tomezsko Classroom Building, Room 103
Saturday, October 13  
8:30AM - 9:00 Registration
9:00AM - 10:00 Welcome
Keynote: Heather Houlton, Outreach Coordinator at the American Geosciences Institute Workforce Program.
10:00AM - 11:00 Collaborative Approach to Developing Earth System Science Resources Through PAESTA
11:00AM - 12:00PM Choice Session I
12:00PM - 12:45 Lunch (provided)
12:45PM - 1:45 Choice Session II
1:45PM - 2:00 Break
2:00PM - 3:00 Choice Session III
3:00PM - 3:30 Free cycle and raffle

Are your storage areas at school cluttered with science equipment that is in good shape, but no longer in use?  Are you struggling to find the funds to purchase that one item that would make your new lesson complete?  Well, we may have the answer!  During the annual conference, we will be conducting our first Free Cycle.   The Free Cycle is easy... bring an item, take an item.  We are looking to create a system where PAESTA teachers can exchange quality science products that are currently not being utilized for other products that you have been without.  Unload all of those supplies from your old curriculum and scope out what interesting pieces are available to replace them.  In these tough economic times, this is a great way to supplement your curriculum with quality products while clearing out some of the clutter.  

3:30PM Meeting concludes

During each Choice Workshop timeslot, participants will have their choice of attending one of five different presentation tracks:  Technology, Fieldwork, Across Disciplines, Professional Development, and Science Updates (Tectonics, Astronomy, and Energy)

The PAESTA Conference is being organized by the PAESTA Executive and Teacher Advisory Committees.  If you have any questions, please contact us via email:  paesta@psu.edu