The Physical and Biological Characteristics of the World's Biomes

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Create a booklet of the physical and biological characteristics of the seven world biomes
Describe the environmental factors and the plants and animals of each biome
Identify the location of different biomes on a world map
Describe examples of plant and animal adaptations to specific biomes

Standards Addressed

Standards related to S8/7/6.D.2: Weather, Climate, and Atmospheric Processes

Preparation Time Needed

~30 minutes to familiarize yourself with the content. 

Class Time Required

This activity could take two class periods.

Activity Description

This web-based lesson is a culminating activity to the Weather and Climate unit taught in 7th grade. I used the resources on the Teacher's Domain website to construct a booklet for students as a webquest. The website provides students with information about the world location (longitude and latitude),  average temperature, and average precipitation of different biomes. Students had to conduct additonal research to identify  the specific animals and plants native to each biomes and the organism's adaptations necessary for survival.

Weather and Climate Unit Big Idea

(School District of Philadelphia Science Core Curriculum)

The difference between weather and climate is the length of time over which both are measured. The major climate zones have temperature ranges that relate to their latitudes. Biomes are large regions, which are characterized by specific climates, and certain types of plant and animal communities.



This lesson is adapted from a Teacher's Domain Lesson to fit the needs of my classroom. (requires PBS Learning Account)